Downloading Jenkins
Download Jenkins
Step 1- Navigate to Below URL http://jenkins-ci.orgStep 2-Download Jenkins.war and save into desktop
Open Command prompt and navigate till project home directory and Start Jenkins server
This is how to run jar files from the command line.
Step 3- Once Jenkins server is up. You will get above success message.
Open any browser and type the url http://localhost:8080
Note- By default Jenkins will start on 8080 port number
Now Jenkins in up and running so now we have to configure Jenkins so that we can execute our test case via Jenkins
Step 4- Once Jenkins is running so we are done but before moving to create build we need to configure Jenkins Click on --> Manage Jenkins.
Click on Configure System.
Navigate to JDK section and Click on Add JDK button.
Uncheck Install automatically check box so Jenkins will only take java which we have mention above.
Give the name as JAVA_HOME and Specify the JDK path.
Running Testng Programs from Jenkins!!!